Wednesday, March 4, 2009

First Post

Hey Everyone!

I finally got into the 21st century with a blog! This is to keep family and friends posted on our lives, and also a place for me to share what's going on in my brain. You might want to skip those parts.

Most of you who might read this probably know me and my family, though it may have been a while since we've seen you. So let me catch you up:

We have 5 - Seth, 7, Micah, 6, Abby, 3, Bethany, 1, and Nathan, 5 months as of this post. Seth and Micah are in 2nd grade and Kindergarten, here at home. The dicipline and ability to homeschool is not in my nature makeup, however, I love it and I think the boys do, too. This is our third year, and I think I learned more the first year or two than they did.

Having 5 has pushed me out of my realm of ability. If you want to HAVE to lean on the Lord daily, I recommend having a large family! If anything gets done, its His grace in me doing it!

Keith is now pastoring a church plant. We hope to begin meeting soon on Sunday mornings (right now, we are all still meeting with the 'mother church' on Sunday mornings) and we hope to go public soon after. Starting a church has been a dream for Keith for several years. We've been in churches where Christ is proclaimed through the scriptures every week, and we've been in churches where we didn't even need to take our Bible to the service. We've seen a lot of good, a lot of bad, and a lot of down right ugly. But God meant it all to sanctify us to look more like Christ, and to prepare us for this new ministry. We are excited to see how He is using us to further the Gospel!


  1. YEAH! I'm so glad you have a blog now! I was actually thinking last week that I wished I had a way to see more pictures of your cute kiddos! We're excited to hear what you all are up to especially regarding the new church plant. What an exciting time for your family.

  2. Hi Stephanie,
    I love this blog. This is my first time to go to one and post a comment.
    Thanks for the update on the kids and homeschooling. Is the photo Bethany in pink or is it Nathan? Ask Abby if she remembers Aunt Toodie. Tell her I remember playing hide and go seek with her in Ed and Peggy's yard. Does she remember that we squatted by Ed's motorcycle and whispered while the boys ran around to hide from us? (What do the kids call their Blessing grandparents? Every family does it differently. Sadie and Beau call us Grammy and Pop.)
    May the Lord bless your new church endeavor. Stay strong in the Lord. You can do all things through Him. I heard that somewhere. (lol). Love you guys, A.T.

  3. I'm praying that you will bless many people who will read your page....I love you!


